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Be Part of the Solution

Our M.S. in Clinical Nutrition and M.S. in Applied Clinical Nutrition programs will help you transform your passion for nutrition into becoming a leader in the field of clinical nutrition while enhancing your ability to help others live a healthier lifestyle. You will gain the professional knowledge, skills, and behaviors necessary to develop and implement effective and evidence-based nutrition-related services to support individual and public health.

The innovative and 100% online curriculum has been developed with input from experts and thought leaders in the field of nutrition. Our Clinical Nutrition degrees will prepare you in the areas of nutritional sciences, self-care, whole food nutrition, and the responsible use of dietary supplements while also covering emerging topics such as nutrigenomics and microbiomics. The programs include a Virtual Health Center Experience where you can practice applying new skills and knowledge safely in a virtual training environment.

Both Clinical Nutrition degrees include the same courses below. The M.S. in Clinical Nutrition program contains 349 Supervised Practice (SPE) hours. The M.S. in Applied Clinical Nutrition degree consists of an orientation course and 1,000 SPE hours meeting the SPE requirements for the Certified Nutrition Specialist® (CNS®) certification.

Featured Courses


Gastrointestinal Physiology (2)

This course explores normal human physiology with an emphasis on physiology of the gastrointestinal tract. Students will learn mechanisms and regulation of motor, secretory, digestive, and absorptive functions of the gastrointestinal tract and how it impacts human health. The course also introduces students to microbiomics and the role and application of prebiotics and probiotics in health and disease.

Success Academy (2)

This course prepares students for success in the business of clinical nutrition from establishing, marketing, and managing a successful clinical practice to monetizing their knowledge in innovative ways. Diverse career paths, regulations, and practice models will be explored including telemedicine.